5 Things We Appreciate About Sustainable Architecture

Sparano + Mooney is known throughout the Park City area for mountain modern architecture. We are also known for our passive design and ability to work within LEED guidelines and standards. Yet there is something else we are passionate about: sustainable architecture.

The concept of sustainable architecture doesn't get a lot of press. This is unfortunate because designing homes around sustainability is good for everyone. We believe sustainable homes are the way to go, not only in our little corner of Utah, but also everywhere houses are built. We would be honored to help design your new sustainable vacation or permanent home in the Park City area.

So, why do we appreciate sustainable architecture? Here are five things to consider:

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We tend to think of sustainability as a modern construct, and it is to a certain degree, given that much of what we do is defined by a mindset not developed until after the industrial era. We think of sustainability as a contrast to synthetic materials, disposable products, and even the entire consumer paradigm, yet sustainability is a centuries-old practice.

Modern sustainable architecture traces its roots back to the early stages of the Earth Day movement more than 50 years ago. Builders were utilizing sustainable principles before industrialism. Indigenous populations around the world built homes using the natural resources at-hand and with an eye toward protecting their surroundings with every new structure built.


By its nature, sustainable architecture seeks to have as little impact on the natural environment as possible. This is critical in a state is beautiful as Utah. 

We appreciate sustainable architecture because of its low impact focus. We believe it is our responsibility to keep our impact on the natural environment as minimal as possible. Sparano + Mooney designs luxury homes with that in mind. Our homes fit naturally into the environments in which they are found. They are surrounded by nature rather than being cleared of it.


A hallmark of modern sustainability is energy efficiency. We understand this in two separate ways. First, saving energy means relying less on fossil fuels. The fewer fossil fuels we utilize, the less pollution we spew into the environment. Second, energy efficiency allows us to rely more on renewable power sources like wind and solar. Sustainable architecture emphasizes energy efficiency.


Hand-in-hand with energy efficiency is passive design. When we design a new passive home in the local area, we utilize what nature has to offer for heating and cooling. Our homes are less dependent on mechanical HVAC, making them more energy-efficient and less reliable on grid energy. The beauty of passive design is that it is simple but effective.


Finally, we appreciate sustainable architecture due to its potential for so many different building materials, and we use naturally sourced materials when possible and appropriate. A sustainable mindset isn't afraid to embrace recycled materials, repurposed materials, etc. Every time we can design without having to rely on manufacturing new synthetic materials, we are improving the sustainability of what we do.

We believe sustainability is worth the extra effort and investment. After all, we only have one planet to leave to future generations.